So last Tuesday we met as family and friends and had a "shave my moms head party!!" I know it sounds bad but that's how my mom wanted things. She didn't want to have every one crying and feeling sad for her and the disease she is living with. So I opened things up with a prayer from my dad and Morgan read a Scripture Then I read a few entry's from my moms journal. That was the worst part for me. To read what she was feeling thinking and worrying about. It broke my heart. To have all those fears be heard and to know her heart was already broken from divorce, losing her father, her job and being terrified of leaving her two best friends behind tore me down. I wish I could take this pain from her She is such a strong women and does not deserve this trial. She is super women to me and I know she is bigger better and way more hard freaking core then this poison. After i read this paper about my mom pouring her heart out we moved to the kitchen.... da da da the buzzers came out and bam the hottest shaved head around!! Us three are Best of friends through think and thin!! I love you mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The smile of unsureness. Poor thing but she did so awesome!

My sweet dad was having the hardest time out of any one. He has such a soft heart and a piece of it will always belong to my mother. They love each other as best friends and I know its hard for them to be divorced and going through this so far apart but they support each other in there own special ways.

We put her hair in cute little pony tails and had the family each cute one off.

Get ready to say chow to the long locks and hello to the sexy scarfs!!

K stands for Kelley kicks A#@!!!

Aren't we twins I swear we look so much alike!

Your mom looks amazing with a shaved head! Best of luck to her and your family.