Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Can i get a halla!!

People please comment! I feel like no one reads this!!
Ok thanks!!


  1. sorry I'm not good at commenting often but I love love love your blog. I'm a huge fan! Love you guys

  2. I'll start commenting... it would be a good thing for me to probably update mine before I go on commenting on everyone else's... ha ha. can I just say that I have to see Capri SOON.. I haven't seen her new haircut and it looks like you did an amazing job.. no matter what her hair is doing she is always gonna be such a doll!! :)

  3. haha you nerd! I read it everyday!! Love you!

  4. Hey! I just followed this so I'll comment more! How are you guys doin? It's been ages since I've seen you.

  5. You bet you can get a holla girl!! I always read your blog! I just don't comment much I'll be better!! Love ya!

  6. I love reading about your cute little family. You have such a darling, sweet, and positive personality that comes through all of your posts. I love it, and I love you cute girl!
