Monday, August 30, 2010


I have to tell you a little story about my funny child. Ever cents Capri was born she has loved Rap music. The only way she would get to bed When she was small was with rap in her music player. I'm sure other mothers would pick up our monitor on there's and thoughts of calling home service would most likely going through there heads! Today we were driving home from grand melys and she was crying. We had been listing to my wedding CD but she didn't love the sweet songs her daddy and I had danced to cents we were 15 no she wanted her low toned potty music! So of course I changed it. The second Tech Nine came on she was silent. I look in my mirror she has a Crin from ear to ear and is bouncing her chunky little head! Oh my heavens I have a gang banger on my hands!!!


  1. too funny! Oh and thanks for coming and helping today. It was great to see you, and the help was much appreciated!

  2. That's hilarious! It's so funny to see what they love!

  3. And that is why she is our sweet, fun, chunky, bundle of joy, Caprelli Marissa Ma Tiny Madoo!! Oh baby!! I love her tiny face! MWA!!
